Post date: 2017, 25 January
Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for National Facilitators in Romania.
The Facilitator will undertake a facilitating function in relation to the implementation of the project activities at municipal level in his/her respective country. In particular, he/she will act as a conduit between Roma communities on one hand, and the Municipal authorities on the other hand, and will work to...
Post date: 2017, 20 January
Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Project, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for National Facilitators in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy and Slovak Republic.
The Facilitator will undertake a facilitating function in relation to the implementation of the project activities at municipal level in his/her respective country. In particular, he/she will act as a conduit between Roma communities on one hand, and the Municipal...
Post date: 2014, 24 June
Les programmes joints de la Commission européenne et du Conseil de l’Europe ROMED et ROMACT viennent de lancer un appel d’offres concernant le redesign, la maintenance ou l’optimisation de leur sites web respectifs. Veuillez lire attentivement les pièces jointes ci-dessous.
La date limite d’envoi des offres a été établie au 7 juillet 2014, 00 :00 CET. Pour plus d’informations, contactez l’équipe ROMED/ROMACT...
Post date: 2014, 24 June
The deadline for Tenders (ROMED/ROMACT Websites) has been extended until FRIDAY 11th of July, midnight (CET)
The ROMED and ROMACT Joint Programmes of the European Commission and Council of Europe are launching a Call for Tenders for the redesign, maintenance or optimization of their respective websites. Please read carefully the following attachments.
The deadline for submission of offers is set to 7 July 2014 at 00:00 CET. For further information, please contact the ROMED/ROMACT team at romed@...
Post date: 2014, 10 June
The guide should be seen in the context of the emerging European Union (EU) policy framework embodied in the Europe 2020 Strategy, the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS), the current (2007‐2013) and future (2014‐2020) programming period for ESIF (European Structural and Investment Funds).
It complements the EURoma Network guide Tackling Roma needs in the 2014‐2020 Structural Funds Programming Period.
This guide aims to improve the planning process by shifting the focus...
Post date: 2014, 3 June
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has decided to devote a large part of its 27th session,14 to 16 October 2014, to the theme "Empowering youth: a shared responsibility for cities and regions".
By inviting a number of young people to take part actively in its 27th session, the Congress, in close co-operation with the Council of Europe Youth Department and the European Youth Foundation (EYF), aims to create a space for dialogue between the...
Post date: 2014, 3 June
The 2014 prize will reward initiatives carried out by civil society organisations and/or individuals and aimed at improving the economic and social inclusion of Roma.
The aim of the Civil Society Prize, which is awarded annually, is to reward and encourage tangible initiatives and achievements by civil society organisations and/or individuals that have made a significant contribution to promoting European identity and integration. Its overall objective is to raise awareness of the contribution...
Post date: 2024, 17 May
On 23 May 2024, the conference on “Children in situations of vulnerability: evaluations, challenges and proposed solutions” will take place in Piatra Neamț, Romania, organised by the Roma and Travellers Division of the Council of Europe and the Joint Programme of the European Union and Council of Europe - ROMACT “Building capacity for Roma Inclusion at Local Level”.
The event, which will be broadcasted online, will take stock of the current situation of vulnerable...
Post date: 2023, 6 November
Following the publication of its report “They are treated as cases, not people” Analysis of the application of the Social Services Act with regard to preventive community work in Roma communities and in neighborhoods with a concentration of poverty in Bulgaria, in the context of development of the national map of social services- ROMACT has organised a workshop in the premises of the European Commission in Sofia. Following the presentation of the report, participants...
Post date: 2023, 18 April
Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Programme, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for the provision of events management in Romania (2023AO32).
This call concerns the provision of services for accommodation, meeting room packages, catering, reimbursement of travel costs, printing, visibility services, and sanitation & health protection materials against pandemics such as COVID-19 and other services.
For detailed...
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