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Shabla Municipality is located in North-East Bulgaria, in South Dobrudja district. To the east, Shabla municipality borders with the Black Sea, to the west with General Toshevo Municipality, to the north with Romania and to the south - to the Municipality of Kavarna.
The municipality includes 15 villages (Bozhanovo, Vaklino, Gorichane, Gorun, Granichar, Durankulak, Ezerets, Zahari Stoyanovo, Krapets, Prolez, Smin, Staevtsi, Tvurditsa, Tyulenovo, Chernomortsi). The number and share of ethnic groups, according to the census of the population from 2011 is: 4.466 Bulgarians (88,1%), 142 Roma (2,80) and 67 Turks (1,32% ).
According to the local authorities, about 300 people are at risk of poverty. 22 families (out of which 16 are Roma) receive monthly social support. 288 people are registered as unemployed in the local Employment services. The risk of poverty for Dobrich region is 40.8 %.
In the municipality of Shabla there is one neighborhood with a compact Roma population, 50% of them being from the group of kopanari and 50% caldarasch. Only the main street that leads to the neighborhood is asphalted and there is only one street with crushed stone pavement.
Shabla municipality recently joined the ROMACT program, in August 2017 with the signature of the letter of agreement.
A Community Action Group (CAG) and a Taskforce for Roma Inclusion were created in December 2017.
Local Authorities were coached about available funding opportunities.
In December 2018, the Municipal Action Plan for Roma Inclusion was adopted by the Local Council.
The Municipality benefited of ROMACT expertise for the following project :
* "Together we can do more"- OPHRD- OPSESG.
Budget : 173 114 euros
Status : approved
Trainings provided by ROMACT experts :
Community Action Groups (CAG):
* Regulations and procedures for resolving illegal housing issues and provision of technical infrastructure;
Local Authorities (LA):
* Funding opportunities to implement the activities planned in the Municipal Action Plan for Roma Integration (MAPRI);
* Procedure to present the updated MAPRI for endorsing by the Local Council;
* Monitoring and evaluation process of MAPRI;
* Implementing a project for social and economic integration.