

Romact Resources

The ROMACT Handbook

A manual for Mayors, Local Administrations and active citizens wanting to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged communities, including the Roma.
This handbook describes the method of the ROMACT Programme. This is a second revised and improved version of the Handbook. 

BG- Analysis of the application of the Social Services Act with regard to preventive community work in Roma communities

"They are treated as cases, not people"- Analysis of the application of the Social Services Act with regard to preventive community work in Roma communities and in neighborhoods with a concentration of poverty in Bulgaria, in the context of development of the national map of social services  is based on a research implemented in seven ROMACT municipalities between February and September 2023. 


RO- Process of community involvement in the CLLD approach to the development of marginalised areas - Indicators of the community involvement process

This guide is providing a checklist of elements to be followed in the application of the community consultation process for the development and implementation of CLLD strategies.

Report of the public discussion on Children left behind: between labour migration, institutional standards and extended family, 12 December 2022, Sofia

On 12 December, in Sofia,   ROMACT and the Bulgarian Ombudsperson’s office organized a public discussion on children left behind by parents going abroad for work. The meeting report and its recommendations are available in English and in Bulgarian.

BG- Analysis of the draft Integrated Territorial Strategies for the Development of Level 2 Planning Regions in Bulgaria to find out their relevance to the needs of the local Roma communities

This report aims to establish the level of cohesion between the objectives and measures of the six integrated territorial development strategies/ITDS/ of the level 2 regions within which the Integrated Territorial Investments will be implemented, and the identified needs, priorities and measures of the Roma communities from municipalities included in the ROMACT Programme.

BG- Analysis of the challenges concerning registration at a permanent address and possession of identity documents of persons living in homes without valid lawful basis

The report aims to contribute to the adequate addressing of a serious problem affecting a significant number of Roma in the country: impossibility or significant difficulties in implementing the administrative procedure for registration at a permanent address and obtaining an identity document.

BG- Report on Children left behind: between labour migration, institutional standards, and extended family

In the period November 2020 - January 2021, ROMACT Programme experts conducted a study in order to outline the problems of children left behind in the municipalities it covers in Bulgaria.

The report is available in Bulgarian and in English. 

BG- Guidelines for Obtaining a Sustainable Status of Housing Constructions built without Construction Papers

The Guidelines provide information on available legal tools in different situations depending on the ownership of the land where the constructions are built. The sustainable status of the dwellings will provide opportunities for increasing security and improvement of the living conditions of the affected persons.

BG- Guidelines for Permanent Address Registration and Issuance of an Identity Document

The Guidelines provide information to both municipal administrations and affected persons on the available legal tools for registration at a permanent address and provision of an identity document.

BG- Guidelines for Conducting Public Procurement with Social Criteria in the ROMACT Municipalities

These Guidelines for Conducting Public Procurement with Social Criteria in the ROMACT Municipalities have the aim to provide practical tools to municipalities, as contracting authorities, to set social criteria in their public procurement procedures.

RO- Report on the Situation of Social Economy Structures in the ROMACT municipalities

​This report provides information on the situation of the social economy structures in ROMACT municipalities, analysing the difficulties met at local level and suggests a number of possible solutions in order to ensure the sustainability of these structures in relation to housing projects for vulnerable populations.

RO- Brief on Romanian legislative framework on socially-responsible public procurement

This brief provides information on the legislative framework on socially responsible public procurement that is in compliance with the environmental, social and labor legislation adopted at EU and national level.

RO- Report on the analysis of the legal provisions regarding the social component of the public procurement

The report sets to demonstrate the need to link procurement legislation and public policies with regulations on social economy, social inclusion, antidiscrimination and promotion of equal opportunities. Overall, it aims to increase the social efficiency and social impact of the procurement of goods, services and works by the contracting authorities in Romania.

BG- Analysis of Municipal Development Plans & Integrated Urban Reconstruction & Development plans of municipalities participating  in ROMACT

The study prepared by ROMACT experts identified challenges met in Bulgaria regarding the planning process. It contributes to the work on mainstreaming of the issues of the vulnerable and marginalized communities, including Roma, in the strategies and plans of municipalities. 

RO- Guide on local information & awareness raising campaigns on the protection of children with parents going to work abroad

Throughout the implementation of the ROMACT  in the Romania, the programme facilitators and experts have identified the need to support local authorities in fulfilling their responsibilities regarding the protection of children whose parents have gone abroad to work .

This guide is intended for local specialists, who identify the need to organize such awareness raising campaign on the protection of children with parents going to work abroad.

RO- Operational Programmes proposed for Romania in the programming period 2021-2027 - ROMACT Review

ROMACT Romanian team reviewed the objectives and indicative allocation set in the Partnership Agreement for 2021-2027 for each Operational Programme and compiled the information for the use of local authorities staff and relevant stakeholders.

RO- Toolkit: Possible solutions for informal settlements

The toolkit is a working tool for local authorities to identify appropriate solutions for informal settlements, with the support of the directly concerned marginalised communities. Toolkitul este gândit ca un instrument de lucru destinat autorităților publice locale pentru identificarea soluțiilor adecvate în ceea ce privește așezările informale, cu sprijinul comunității dezavantajate direct afectată.

RO- Initial developments in the CLLD approach in 9 urban communities in Romania

The report looked at the way in which the CLLD approach was prepared for in these communities, in particular whether community involvement was real, when the implementation phase began, and the challenges that the local public authorities encountered.

Other Resources

The ESF and community-led local development: Lessons for the future

Based on research, testimonies and analyses, the report "The ESF and community-led local development: Lessons for the future"  provides a set of recommendations that have been compiled for the attention of the European Commission, managing authorities, LAGs and local actors on facilitating the uptake and successful use of CLLD in the ESF+ in the 2021-2027 programming period (and beyond).

Council of Europe tools on Good Governance

The development and promotion of innovative capacity-building tools is among the priorities of the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance. These tools take inspiration from the best of European practice and enable the reinforcement and evaluation of local authorities’ capacities in a variety of areas.


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