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Publication written by Jean-Pierre Liégeois

" Developments in mediation - current challenges and the role of ROMED"

The training programme for Roma mediators launched in 2011 has certain features which make it unique in terms of the fundamental effects it produces, both in Europe at large and in the member states.

This work sets out to contextualise the initiatives taken, highlight their utility and evaluate them.  It is intended to provide guidance for the programme leaders, enable active participants – trainers, mediators, employers and others – to see their efforts as part of an overall scheme, help policy-makers to take the right decisions and describe and explain the operation to a broader readership.

Journée internationale des Roms

A l’occasion de la Journée internationale des Roms, via un podcast émis par Human Rights Europe, Jeroen Schokkenbroek, Représentant Spécial du Secrétaire Général du Conseil de l’Europe pour les questions relatives aux Roms, explique ses objectifs stratégiques - une coopération fructueuse entre les Etats membres, le renforcement des capacités et l'autonomisation des communautés roms - et analyse la montée et la persistance des préjugés contre les Roms et les travaux du Conseil de l'Europe pour contester cette "situation très désagréable" .

International Roma Day

On the occasion of International Roma Day, in a podcast issued through Human Rights Europe, Jeroen Schokkenbroek, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for Roma Issues, explains his strategic objectives - meaningful cooperation between member states, matched by capacity-building and the empowerment of Roma communities - and analyses the rise and persistence of anti-Roma prejudice and the work of the Council of Europe to challenge this "very nasty situation".

Search for Contacts

The ROMACT T.C.C. online platform will provide a dedicated space of cooperation for local administrations, governmental agencies and mandated NGOs working on Roma inclusion.
The platform will allow users to:
- look up and get in touch with relevant contacts in municipalities of interest;
- indentify partners for various joint activities in the field of Roma inclusion;
- get news on events, training opportunities and good practices;

The release of the ROMACT T.C.C. online platform is scheduled for the last quarter of 2016. 


Brussels, 17-18 January 2013 - The Congress of Roma mediators from the Council of Europe/European Commission ROMED programme took place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. As well as Roma mediators and trainers from several different countries, participants at the event included EU Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou and the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for Roma issues, Jeroen Schokkenbroek. The message of the Council of Europe Secretary General is available online.

A propos de ROMED

La médiation est une des mesures utilisées en Europe dans le but de surmonter les inégalités auxquelles sont confrontés les Roms en matière d’accès à l’emploi, aux services de santé et à une éducation de qualité. Elle consiste à faire appel à des personnes issues des communautés roms locales ou ayant une bonne connaissance des questions relatives à cette problématique pour servir de médiateurs entre les Roms et les institutions publiques.


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