
General Information
ROMACT Cycle: 
Reinforced process
Mayor of the Municipality: 
Kosta Karanashev
Contact Person within the Municipality: 
Rumen Stilov - deputy mayor
Dyian Dankov
Total population: 
18 562
Roma living in the Municipality: 
4 790
Description of the Municipality: 

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Kotel Municipality is located in the eastern part of Bulgaria, in Sliven Province. It administrates a total of 22 town and villages. 

According to the local expert on Roma issues, there are about 7 000 Roma living in Kotel Municipality. They are located in the main town, Kotel, but also in the villages of Gradets, Ticha, Padarevo and Mokren. 

The ROMACT Process

ROMACT started in June 2020 with the signature of the Letter of agreement.

The Taskforce for Roma inclusion was created following Mayor's approval in October 2020. 

In March 2021, the Municipality Inclusion Development Plan was adopted and included most of the community proposals.

As of March 2023, ROMACT process is reinforced in Kotel and a new agreement was signed by the Mayor. 

The Municipality benefited of ROMACT expertise for the following project :
The expertise provided by ROMACT for municipalities involves training and guidance on preparing project proposals and implementing inclusive policies aimed at improving the living conditions and social integration of vulnerable populations, including the Roma.

Integrated measures for Roma inclusion and empowerment in the municipality of Kotel - Funded by the Financial Mechanism of European Economic Area (FM of EEA) and Norway grants.
Budget : 750 000 €
Status : not submitted

Improving the status of vulnerable groups with a focus on the Roma community by increasing access to services in the social assistance, education, employment and health sectors - Funded by the FM of EEA.
Budget : 585 498€
Status : on reserve list

Trainings provided by ROMACT experts :

Community Action Groups (CAG):
Fundamentals of the advocacy process and successful communication with local authorities;
* Sustainability of the Community Action Groups;
* Participation of CAG members in the municipal budget process;
* Role and meaning of NGOs for an active civil society - Work for the public benefit;
Community Survey;
Raising professional skills of Roma mediators;
The CLLD Approach. "Understanding Local Development Strategy (LDS), Local Action Group(LAC) and how to use them".

Local Authorities (LA):
Reinforcing the local partnerships for more effective practical implementation of children's rights and the protection of children at risk;
Partnership management for planning and implementation of municipal policies for social inclusion;
Participation in a public consultation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of Bulgaria;

Taskforce :
Reinforcing the local partnerships for more effective practical implementation of children's rights and the protection of children at risk

ROMACT Small Grants Scheme :

ROMACT offers small grants scheme to support the efforts of the municipalities and Community Action Groups to respond together to the needs of the most vulnerable and to multiply the good practices across ROMACT municipalities.
Under the scheme of small grants, the following projects were supported by ROMACT during October 2020 – January 2021:

Construction of playground area – Municipality of Kotel
ROMACT supported the municipality with 4868 € for the construction of playground area which created a pleasant and safe public gathering place for children in the Roma community. Trees, plants, and flowers were also planted in the landscape to create a green environment. Public discussion and workshop focusing on “environment and responsible citizenship” were also organized for children and their parents to raise awareness in the community.

Support to most vulnerable youth – Georgi Stoykov Rakovski Secondary School
ROMACT supported the school with 1991€, reaching 70 students from vulnerable families. The project provided sets of school supplies for each student and prepaid internet cards to ensure access to online education services during the pandemic. Information campaigns were organized to raise awareness about the importance of education and the risks of drug use among young people.

Timeline Points

8 Jun 2020
Step 1- Becoming Commited- Signature of the letter of commitment
12 Oct 2020
Creation of Taskforce
29 Mar 2021
Municipality Inclusion Development Plan was adopted by Local Council
9 Dec 2021
End of ROMACT Process
30 Mar 2023
ROMACT Reinforced
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